【同义词辨析】 2017-06-28 爬上ascend-scale
ascend: implies progressive upward movement: the car ~ed the steep grade.
mount: suggests a getting up upon something raised: ~ a horse. mountain高山 mount还指山峰 Mount Qomolangma珠穆朗玛峰.
climb: connotes the effort involved in the upward movement and is used when difficulty is implicit in the situation: ~ a tree to rescue a cat.
scale: suggests skill and adroitness in upward movement: ~ a high wall to freedom. (adroit机智,指能急中生智想办法达到目的skillful use of expedients to achieve one's purpose,如a adroit host of a radio call-in show一个机智的电台热线节目主持人。 expedient权宜之计)
ascend逐步上升: 指逐步、不间断地上升,mount登爬骑: 表示上到高处,climb费力登爬: 指动作费力困难,scale爬: 表示灵巧地爬。
记忆方法:1)首字母MACS马克思<==爬上顶峰 马克思实际是Karl Marx
2)爬上的意思是到山顶mean to move upward or toward a summit.